
Comprehensive Device Management Software

DAQMaster is a comprehensive device management software used to configure parameters, monitor real-time data, and store data with communication supported devices from Autonics. Simple GUI control allows easy and convenient management of parameters and data monitoring of multiple devices. DAQMaster is available in Standard (free) and Pro (paid) versions for PCs.

Enquiry Us


※ All features of the DAQMaster software will be available for use for 30 days after installation. After the trial period, Pro version features will be locked without the purchase of a paid license.
The software must be registered with a paid license and serial key within 30 days of installation to maintain Pro version features.
※ The DAQMaster Pro version license can be activated with the purchase of the DAQMaster Pro USB license dongle. Please refer to the terms of the license registration before use.


DAQMaster Standard / Pro Version Common Features

  • Multiple device support
  • Scan for devices
  • Simple graphic user interface
  • Project management
  • Data analysis using grids or graphs
  • Log monitoring data
  • Real-time Logging (CSV)
  • Edit tag formulas
  • Print Modbus Map Table report
  • Lua script support
  • Multi-language support (English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese-Simplified/Traditional)

DAQMaster Pro Version Features

  • Modbus device editor
  • Trigger event, scheduler
  • Action (SMS, e-mail, etc.)
  • Database management
  • TCP/IP server
  • OPC DA server/client
  • OPC UA client
  • MQTT (publisher, subscriber)
  • DDE server/client
  • Modbus master/slave
  • Virtual tag (tag combination)
  • Manage user privileges

DAQMaster Features by Version

Product DAQMaster DAQMaster Pro
Version v3.5.x v3.5.x
Type Free O X
Paid License X O
USB Dongle X O
Web X X
Runtime Screen Panel Flash X X
Vector Font X X
Multi-Panel Flash X X
Vector Font O O
Grid O O
Line Graph
Bar Graph
Color Map Graph
Gauge Graph
Histogram Graph
Alarm History Grid
Basic Features GUI O O
Data Monitoring
Set Parameters
Project Management
Multiple Device Support
Scan for Devices
Lua Script Support
Log Monitoring Data
Edit Tag Formulas
Print Modbus Map Table Report
Expansion Features Data Analysis ddf Grid O O
Alarm Spread
Analysis Spread
Database DB Grid
DB Graph
Utility (Tool) Modbus Device Editor X O
Script Editor
Scheduler O
Trigger Event O
Virtual Tag(Tag Combination) O
Manage User Privileges O
Action Log Start X O
Log Stop
Send to Telegram
Play Alarm Sound
Tag Error Message
Tag Alarm
Tag Output O
Print Report O
E-Mail O
Realtime Log CSV O O
SQL Oracle X O
SQL Server
Nexus DB
Sybase ASE
Sybase ADS
MS Access
NoSQL Mongo DB O
Protocol TCP/IP Server Monitoring X O
Security (Login) O
Security (Protocol) X
Read Tag O
Write Tag O
OPC DA 1.0(Format) X O
2.0(Format) O
3.0(Format) O
Server O
Client O
AE 1.0(Format) X O
1.10(Format) O
Server X
Client O
UA TCP(Format) X O
HTTP(Format) O
HTTPS(Format) O
Server X
Client O
DDE CF_Text(Format) X O
XL_Table(Format) O
Advanced DDE(Format) X
FastDDE(Format) X
SuiteLink(Format) X
Server O
Client O
WMI Manager X O
Database Middleware Server X O
MQTT Publisher X O
Subscriber O
Fieldbus Master CC-Link IE Field Basic X O
Modbus Master RTU O O
Modbus Slave RTU X O
Multi-Language Support English O O
Chinese Simplified



DAQMaster Standard / Pro Version Common Features

DAQMaster detailed features image

Multi-Device Support

  • Simultaneously monitor multiple devices and configure parameters
  • Simultaneously connect multiple units with different addresses within the same device
  • Multiple RS232 ports are available with Modbus RTU communication

DAQMaster detailed features image


Scan for Devices

When multiple units with different addresses are connected, unit address scan function can be used to search for units automatically.

DAQMaster detailed features image

Project Management

Save added device information, data monitoring screen layouts, I/O source selection, etc. as project files. Opening a project file will automatically load the saved settings. Project list is created for easier project file management.

DAQMaster detailed features image

Data Analysis

Data analysis feature allows data files (*.ddf) to be converted into grids or graphs. The information can be saved in *.rtf, *.txt, *.html, or *.csv files from the data grid screen.

DAQMaster detailed features image

Log Monitoring Data

While monitoring data can be logged and saved into DAQMaster data files (*.ddf) or CSV files (*.csv). The saved CSV file can be opened directly onto Excel spreadsheets. Define log data file naming rules destination folders for easier file management.

DAQMaster detailed features image

Real-Time Logging

Log files are automatically created and saved as CSV files at user specified times.

DAQMaster Pro Features

DAQMaster detailed features image

Modbus Device Editor

Add and monitor status of any Modbus devices which are not included on the default list.

DAQMaster detailed features image

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)

Collected data can be published to broker or subscribed to broker using MQTT protocol.

DAQMaster detailed features image

Database Management

Information can be changed to database using database management systems (Access, MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite) in real-time, allowing easy creation and management of various databases.

DAQMaster detailed features image

OPC DA (Data Access)

The OPC Specifications are based on the OLE, COM, and DCOM technologies developed by Microsoft to facilitate interoperability of applications. If offers industry standard mechanism for communication and data transfer between client and servers.

DAQMaster detailed features image

OPC UA (Unified Architecture)

The unified architecture is a standard communication protocol to transmit data from sensors or PLCs. Data can be collected through various OPC UA servers through OPC UA protocol.

DAQMaster detailed features image



Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Client

Dynamic Data Exchange is a method of interprocess communication under Microsoft Windows which allows sharing of information between applications. This function uses shared memory and provides a common protocol to applications.



PC System Requirements (DAQMaster / DAQMaster Pro)

Item Minimum specifications
Hardware IBM PC compatible computer with 1GHz or higher processor
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7/8.1/10
Memory 2GB+
HDD 1GB+ of available hard disk space
Display Resolution: 1024×768 or higher
Additional RS232C serial port (9-pin), USB port

The DAQMaster Pro version license can be activated with the purchase of the DAQMaster Pro USB license dongle.

Model Number of Tags
DAQ-000-USB Unlimited

DAQMaster detailed features image




※ Software Update History