Installation and connection and others accessories for NSX400 / 630

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Fixed/RC device = fixed/FC device + rear connection kit
Mixed RC kit
Kit 3P Short RCs
Long RCs
2 x
1 x
Kit 4P Short RCs
Long RCs
2 x
2 x
Plug-in version = fixed/FC device + plug-in kit
Kit for ComPacT NSX
3P 4P
Plug-in kit LV432538 LV432539
Power connections
Short terminal shields
Safety trip interlock
= 1 x LV432516
+ 3 x LV432518
+ 2 x LV432591
+ 1 x LV432520
= 1 x LV432517
+ 4 x LV432518
+ 2 x LV432592
+ 1 x LV432520
Withdrawable version = fixed/FC device + withdrawable kit
Kit for ComPacT NSX
3P 4P
Kit for ComPacT NSX Kit for ComPacT NSX
= =
Plug-in kit: 1 x LV432538 1 x LV432539
+ +
Chassis side plates
for base
1 x LV432532 1 x LV432532
+ +
Chassis side plates
for breaker
1 x LV432533 1 x LV432533